SVG Image EtherURL

The platform is still under development using HardHat test blockchain. Latest update: 2024-05-31.

Certificate Verified ▼
EtherURL Organization

Certificate Response ▼
Welcome to EhterURL, the service that allows to verify the autenticity of items using QR codes. Ready to jump in?

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EtherURL enables a seameless access to blockchain certificates using an URL or QR code.

We are looking for team members. If you want join please write to
- Software developers (python, solidity, web3, AWS, Nginx, Gunicorn)
- Business founder (Switzerland based)
- Marketing and SEO specialist
- UX designer
- Blockchain legal & compliance
- Business development experts (Fashion, Aviation, Art, ...)

Quick documentation:

The max lenght of the URL is 2000 characters.

The connection to Ethereum Main Net is performed using:WORK IN PROGRESS
The project exists thanks to our Patreons:WORK IN PROGRESS
For idea submissions please write

The user must provide 3 parameters in the URL:{...}&function_parameters=(..., ...)

You can use the URL below or scan the example QR code with your phone to test the functionality of the tool:{'inputs':[{'internalType':'string','name':'Item','type':'string'}],'name':'getItemCertificate','outputs':[{'internalType':'string','name':'','type':'string'}],'stateMutability':'view','type':'function'}&function_parameters=T-123
QR code